Saturday, October 13, 2007

They may take my pumkin but they will never get my spirit

Well Homee Dad has much faith in his readers, by viewing the title of this message you have all realised that the Homee pumpkin is no longer. If truth be known it has been gone for some time, it started great then stalled. Such is life --- or is it?

Perhaps this evolution of Homee Dads pumpkin is but a reminder of life itself, a life that we all must endure in our own way. Perhaps a life that we are bound to realise we may not now HOW (a quandary I see Gryper is in of late), but as the Nike commercial says "JUST DO IT"

So do it we shall, or shalnt ( is that a word )?

If would can be wouldn't, and should can be shouldn't, than what the heck, Shalnt is a word in Homee Dads world. But alas Shaln't recognises the negative and we need to address the positive so lets deal with shall!

Shall I proceed or Shall I stop, Shall I wear my hearing aids or Shall I not, Shall I succumb to that glass of wine or large bowl of ice cream or shall I not, you get the picture - JUST DO IT

Life is far to short for us to worry about the shalls or shalnts

I was fortunate enough to spend last weekend with Kaden - it was such an enjoyable time and I am afraid that I found myself bonding in a meaningful way. Kaden just did what he wanted , nothing really mattered. He showed me with much skill how he was able to reject unwanted matter from both ends without hesitation. This simple act caused others to scramble while he just watched and planned his next move. Don't get me wrong I was not thinking of rejecting unwanted matter as Kaden so skilfully had done, Homee is still somewhat in control.

Before I forget, Megan, Bean, Clinton, Stepher and Matt ( the hand ) were also there - they were fun. Now back to Kaden, after all he was the centre of attention - just ask him.

On Sunday morn, while resting quite comfortably Homee Dad was rudely awaken by the full force of Kadens open hand slapping - no - pounding my aging yet still likable face. My first thought was to roll, left arm bar, femoral artery stun, take to the ground, dead mans arm bar in conjunction driving my knee to his neck in order to pin him to the ground. I rolled quickly in order to keep the element of surprise on my side but all came to an abrupt stop. There was Kadens face - so cute , so lovable, so Innocent - So Homee Dad just lifted him into the bed and we found some Kaden / Homee Grampa time.

Life was good - and in my opinion getting gooder.

That's right I said gooder

One on the ground and two on the way - Homee Dad is in heaven, perhaps the closest I will ever get but that's OK

Signing Off

Homee Dad


Blogger Fiddling Granny said...

Shan't ... the contraction for shall not is shan't.

There aint nuthin' like grandkids!

Our job is to spoil them rotten, ruin them. Their parents hand them over to us expecting us to spoil them, we must then comply, and when they are ruined completely, hand them back for fixing. Next time, repeat the procedure.

I have four of them, but you're catching up fast! Your children won't recognize you as the person who raised them when, but they'll sure recognize your annoying words coming out of their own mouths!

4:55 AM  
Blogger Homee Dad's View of Life said...

fiddling granny - Homee Dad welcomes your comments a seasoned grandparent. My goal is to leave my footprints through my grandkids. Yet when I depart as we all must I will leave # up to one son as the keeper of the footprint as he seems to be of the same mind.

Life is good

Grandkids are like peanut butter. On the roof of your mouth it gets all your attention, once gone you have memories until you jam it up there again just cause you can.

Until we meet again

Homee Dad

5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to hear from u hommee dad ... 2 more buns are cooking right now but i am afraid that is all you get for a while .... love u

6:53 AM  
Blogger Mr Gryper said...

Well Homee Dad, your goal seems to me to be quit a kick if it goes right through.

I shalnt want to have your footprint through me.

8:24 AM  

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