Sunday, December 17, 2006

Anyone have a chicken?

Last night the sheriff made his way down to Nestor Falls to attend the Sioux Narrows Nestor Falls Xmas bash. This was open to all municipal employees, volunteers and yours truly. I suppose the logic would be if the sheriff were there then he would not be out on the road. I'm OK with that logic. Appox. 80 people were there, mostly volunteers of some sort since smaller communities count on these people.

Anyway, as may be expected the topic of Christmas came up and we shared our stories, desires wants, and needs. All was going well until ......... well every gathering has those who attend and are convinced that the gathering is for them. We may not know it but - after all we should all know who they are - they do!

Well it seems they felt it important to jump onto the Commercialism of Xmas, and the over indulgence of use in North America. Some how they must have been in tune with David Suzuki as they went on to declare - if we all gave up the need for gifts and purchased a goat, or couple chickens, maybe a cow, some fis.... , pheas....nts,,....????? - Homee was starting to fade - I was zoning out. But they became loader as they reached their point, that being we would all stop world hunger, the depleasion of the ozone, global warming, ringworm in our canines, .......!
To bring there point home they felt it necessary to remind us how they have spent the last 6 - years traveling all over, they have a unit in Arizona, and Hawaii, they have connections in Nevada or Montana - I think they own part of the Grand Canyon ( not sure about that one). But there point -there were needy everywhere - all over the world. So if we would give up our need to need - then we to could hug a tree and feel Green all over.

Homee who was also acting in the capacity of sheriff decided that he best keep it in, after all he had just finished counting the presents under his tree before leaving for the party. But then re-thought his decision thinking he coulds make a point in keeping with the spirit of the season. Homee suggested that everything sounds wonderful but their comments suggest that those people ( or us ) are not already giving of ourselves or our $$$, or in whatever capacity we were able. I then realized that I was outwitted, the trap was set and Homee Dad fell for it. They replied of course " That was our point, without Xmas we could all give so much more!"

Homee Dad lowered his head in shame ----------- not for his personal excitement, joy and or pleasure of giving and yes receiving, but for the fact that he allowed them to set up the punch line as they exited the party. They indeed had the last word!

As I looked out the window I saw them pull away in there fully decked out, Lexis or something. I couldn't help but wonder - how many chickens would that bye?

Going home to count presents
Homee Dad

PS. One upside to most the crew not making it home this year is that Homee Dad will win / Thomas you lose this year HA!!!!!!!


Blogger Cherylinn said...

Homee, don't let them put a damper on your excitement....I love the giving of gifts and nothing will ever change that....MERRY CHRISTMAS.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Mr Gryper said...

First let me say, yes I still can type(sort of) lazyness is the main problem. Your comment at the end of your story about the car, correctly says it all. I have often thought about groups like greenpeace for example, they want us to stop poluting the air by not driving out "gas guzzler cars" but they run around in old delapidated ships burning 1000 gal,(4546L) per hour of diesel fuel, outboard motors and god knows what else PLUS sank a ship,in I think it was New Zealand,as a protest and thus poluting the ocean.
What up with that?

4:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well all i know after that, i am going to buy more presents hahahahhah and excuse me dad i will still be home for christmas, you do have some competition, as who said the presents for us had to be from someone else to count, i may wrap presents for myself to beet you ..ahhahah jk

7:22 PM  
Blogger Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Dearest Bean: as you may recall the count occures on Christmas day - you will not be here till boxing day so - I WIN !!!!

Gryper - glad to see the point was understood. I think you were correct ablout the sinking ship and I almost remember what they called it but my brain hurts right now! PS. lazyness is a state of mind - GET OVER IT !!! you were never one to blend in quietly - come on back! Hope you are resting up for Disney - no time to relax there

Merry Christmas to all

Cheryl - 5 sleeps to go

Homee dad

6:53 PM  

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