Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just when you figured you heard it all .........

This morning I spent some time with the Salvation Army in town, No I was not attempting to steal one of the kettles... I was actually assisting with the packing of Christmas hampers for families in the Kenora area. I for some reason was assigned to the child toys section ???? Anyway another volunteer was in this area and was obviously anxious, she had other things to do and was commenting on how she really did not have the time but felt we needed her to attend. As difficult as this may be to believe, Homee Dad is often accused of allowing his inside voice to escape at moments such as this. So while I was carefully stuffing Elmo lovingly into a package for a no doubt deserving child, I prayed for strength.

But alas it was not to be - this well meaning volunteer after commenting on just how busy she was came out with the question. " Why does this always have to happen at the time of year when we are all so busy?" THAT'S IT I COULD NO LONGER BE STRONG, I forced myself to take a deep breath hoping perhaps I would choke, thus keeping the voice inside. But it happened - without missing a beat I replied " I don't know but I'll throw this out there, ---perhaps its because of Christ's birth - or if that doesn't work you may consider the fact that Dec. 24th is but the only eve when reindeer can fly". I admit there may have been a light blend of sarcasm in my reply -- in the what seemed to be an extended time of silence I totally found understanding and meaning with a line made most popular by Mego "point of no return!"

After a morning of fun ( and believe me we had a great time) I was driving home considering the question at hand. As is often the case deep thought often causes Homee Dad to venture places where no man has gone before. This was no exception, I found two questions rushing their way to the frontal lobe of my grey matter.

1) How can it be that the Nectar Bat with a total body length of 6 cm is able to produce a straw like tongue extending a length of 8.5 cm?

2) What actually happens to the people that are caught by the tag police. You know those that against repeated warnings remove the tags from their pillows, mattress, blankets, and yes even even the gaudy place mats used to cover up the crusted food on the dining room tables?

Has anyone ever seen someone after they admitted to removing the tags? ......I think not.
What has been done with them - are they transported to the Island of misfit Toys?, You know the one the Eagles made famous when they sang " you may come anytime you like --- but you can never leave".

And what of those tags that have been removed? Where do they go? Is there a recycle unit for such things?

Life is full of questions that make you ponder. Homee Dad will not shy away from these just because they may make your brain hurt. We all ahve a gift and Homee Dad will not cease until he discovers that which he has been blessed.

Merry Christmas
Homee Dad

For cheryl - only 12 sleeps to go
For Mego - only 31 Sleeps til Homee Dad arrives ( and Sue )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for you for telling that lady off, obviously she just doesnt get it and you are hilarious ......

7:42 AM  
Blogger Cherylinn said...

Good for you Hommee...Was she for real? Thanks for the count down. Are we all getting excited yet?

6:07 PM  

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