Monday, February 05, 2007

Global warming - WHAT !!!!!!!!!

As Homee Dad sits back on dry land he is forced to ask the question that comes to mind - WHAT THE HELL DO THEY MEAN - GLOBAL WARMING!!!. Has any one of those David Sazuki wanna be, tree hugging, ozone layer lovers ever travelled from +30 to -35 in 17 hours. I think not, cause if they did they like Homee dad would be screaming - Global Warming " Bring It on".

As the Homee dad crew are aware, he and sidekick Sue have completed the adventure of a lifetime, we were well aware that coming home to Kenora would be somewhat of a shock but we were up to the challenge. Well that was until we arrived on this ice burg, we lay in bed wanting to hear the oceans as it called us because on the SEA we kept the balcony door open ( just cause we could). Instead the only sounds were the cracking of our humble abode as the subarctic, mars like temperatures either sucked out or froze whatever moisture was left in the joists. I could hear all those slivers of wood screaming for warmth, asking why were they born spruce instead of palm or bamboo? Why don't we all just climb into the freezer and close the lid - at least that way we won't be able to see our body freeze one individual cell at a time.

Do Homee dad a favour - the next time I mention - yes we live in Kenora but its a DRY cold, and on those cold winter nights when the sky's are clear you can watch the northern lights dancing in the sky!! Stop me by piercing my already frozen heart with a icicle - yeah a frozen, dagger like piece of water.

Of course there is always the famous line " its nice to be home" - NO IT'S NOT, we just subject ourselves to such garbage because we are not able to stay where we were! What happened to the fresh fruit brought to our room, warming sun from morning til - well it just never ended!

Well in case you may be of the impression that Homee Dad is bitter - I'm not - I"M FROZEN !!! didn't you get the point?

Alas I must console myself with the thought that Homee Dad and Side Kick Sue have placed a deposit down for the next cruise. ( before you say it gryper I will repeat - we have put down on deposit and are looking to next year - Money well spent).

All kidding aside the trip was a blast - I will attempt to put some of the more memorable photo's on my next message. Until then - stay warm, well except for those who worry about the warming of this planet - you can purchase a ticket to Mars where global warming may be the farthest thing from your mind.

Signing off
Homee Dad

Friday, February 02, 2007

Homee's final message from the SEA

Well we are on our final sea day heading for Ft. Lauderdale. Since my last post we have went to Curcao which was the most beautiful port of them all - absolutely fantastic - loads of shopping, we went on the hifglights of the island tour and visited the Curcao liquor distillery, did some tasting of course. Traveled to Isla Margaritta took tour to beach on other side of the island - beach day - drank rum!

Sea day came next - drank rum. Montego Bay - absolutely great time doing the zip lines, WOW!!!! we hung with the monkeys and drank rum!! The afternoon was on ship as we left early heading to Ft. Lauderdale - drank RUM!!!

Our entire trip has been like one big dream - loads of stuff, Catamaraning, river rafting, snorkling with creatures, zip lining, sea kyaking, land sailing, visiting with Mego... did I tell you we drank Rum?
THe only thing that would out do this Homee adventure would be 2 gallons of peanut beuuter and one knife!!! But since no P.B. was to be found on ship Homee dad drank Rum!

Well need to go - last day on ship - Rum, Rum and Rum.

speak again when Homee is at dry dock

signing off from the SEA one last time
Homee Dad