Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A night to remember

Homee Dad, his lovely sidekick Sue, soft music, stretch Limo - who could ask for more. I'll never forget the night September 20 2008 it lasted 2 hours 40 minutes.
Yes folks - the scene was the MST Centre - Winnipeg Manitoba, the main draw - in fact the only draw as he needed no assistance. The lights went out - the spot light hit the stage - before us all stood the one, the only, the ledgand himself Sir "ELTON JOHN"!

HD and SKS went with a dear friend to the main draw that Saturday night - after all " Saturday nights alright! It was an absolutely fantastic concert. Elton as Homee calls him took the stage with no intro band, no breaks - he played and sang for for almost three hours - absolutely unheard of in any concert.

Whats that - the stretch limo - no Homee was not hallucinating, check out the picks. Limo, dinner , concert and a midnight stroll around the city. Like I said a night to remember.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Adventures of GDO

Hello - many of you don't know me - in fact I bet most of you count on me on a regular basis yet really don't know me at all. My life of seclusion is one that I had come accustomed to, open and shut - pardon the pun. What - you don't get the pun? Let me introduce myself, my name is garage door opener - GDO for short.

GDO at Saskatchewan Border
GDO at Athabasca Falls

Until recently I was often left in the dark - but then it happened - one of those liberating days one could only describe as the TSN turning point of the game. Let me back up just a bit, my life was one that you may expect for a GDO. I lived in suburban Calgary until my Independence day came. It all started with the visit of two icons which us in western Canada have often heard the stories or legends. We wondered if they were real or just one of those stories that were made up to keep you going. Well I am here to tell you that they are real, as real as the light pouring into my world when I open the gate. Yes this day was real, a day I will never forget, the day I a lowly GDO was liberated by no other than Homee Dad and Sidekick Sue!

GDO at Saskatchewan Info Centre

I get so emotional just thinking of it, its like one of those magazines with the stories that start off with the lines " I never thought this would happen to me BUT..." It was 18 August 2008 when the door was opened, SKS pointed me in the direction of my home an I opened the door to my new life. HD and SKS had come to visit the family who were already at the meeting place making arrangements for their arrival. We were on our way to the Lake - vacation they called it.
GDO at big bull in Manitoba

The time in Shuswap was great although most of my time was spent in the car - it was only after I stowed away when HD and SKS started the journey home - to ONTARIO - it brings tears to my controls just saying the word, I want to scream it out loud ONTARIO ! It wasn't until we were 1/2 way through the pass when I made my presence know. Only then did I realise my good fortune. I was taken in as part of the family, there was three on the trip HD, SKS and GDO.

I spent time in the mountains, felt snow in August, visited large hunks of snow and ice that apparently were much bigger before someone called Global Warming got involved. I saw the results of his actions but he was nowhere to be found.

GDO relaxing at the Miette Springs

I continued to spend a night in the hot springs, a big water falls, slept in a cabin, continued on to visit a large egg, large bull and had my picture taken as I entered things called Provinces. I have attached some of the pics - especially the last one of me resting on our new deck on the shores of something called the Winnipeg River.

GDO resting on deck Winnipeg River
HD and SKS have been so gracious, its like I am part of the family. Many four legged creatures in this Ontario on the Winnipeg River place but I am sure I will...................Whats that ........
What is SKS doing - she appears to be scratching something onto a brown folder, she keeps looking at me. Whats that say ???????? Calgary Alta......
Why am I getting this strange feeling inside..............Wait - What are you doing, she's grabbing me - you cant do that --YOUR NOT THE BO........... (mMMMMMMMMMM)