Sunday, May 31, 2009

My "Y" is moving on

Sending off my "Y"

Alas the time has come when Homee Dad must say good bye to grasshopper and watch him as he ventures out in the scary world of "yes dear". Since my buddy is my only surviving Y chromosome this event will be one that Homee Dad will Cherish. Sending a Y into a world of X's can sometimes be overwhelming. The X's seem to have positioned themselves in a place where they are under the impression that they are in deed the boss of us. After all they have managed to inundate society with catch phrases such as "X" marks the spot, " X & o's" why not "X & Y's" could it be that they are intimidated by the Y's.

Ah but Homee must not dwell on what is the past - today is today and he celebrates sending his only "Y" into the world with his chosen "X" so that they too may place their mark in society.

Homee looks back on the discussions when he was called by Thomas advising him of his intentions ( my Y was all grown up ). And of course when little Y and his chosen X sat with Homee and Side Kick Sue around the dinner table who could forget the look when little Y asked big Y to be his best man. Homee's response of " what don't you have any friends?" was one of both wisdom, surprise and of course earned him a slap up side the head from SKS. Since this Homee has managed to savour the extreme honour and reflect on the relationship that he has had with Thomas.

From trying to make chess boards, splitting wood, traveling to Toronto and then Europe, Thomas teaching HD to funnel while SKS just shook her head, and last but certainly not the least the awesome fireworks partnership. All was in good fun and nobody lost an eye! Homee looks forward to the big event and is working on a message for the occasion. It will no doubt be one that is delivered in true Homee Dad Fashion. After all its up to the best man to ensure that Thomas is prepared for the adventures that follow. Homee is also quite excited as he does realise that there will come a day when his Y will start to falter and it will be up to Thomas to carry the "Y". I must begin his grooming now - perhaps I still do have a grasshopper, I know he will always be my Buddy!

For those "Y's" reading this message be advised that all "Y's" are invited to attend an evening with Thomas on Friday 5th June at Maple Leaf House Grill and Lounge, 2749 Lake shore Blvd. W. After much discussions with Thomas this was the way he wanted things to be. I am sure he would welcome all fellow Y's at this location (probably some time after 6:00PM).

Homee dad must sign off for now as again I must fall to meditation preparing the message that needs to be provided on Saturday.