Monday, October 10, 2011


Well its been well over a year since Homee Dad has shared his views, thoughts, visions or just comments which have come from those small dark spaces in his grey matter. But I figure if the Jets can return after 15 years and receive a standing ovation for a 5 - 1 loss, then what has homee got to lose. Some will applaud Homee's return while others will either look with destain or just totally ignore, but what the heck - If I Homee Dad can make a difference in but 1 persons life then its is worth the effort.
Now prior to reopening this cavern I did the rational thing that any man would do - I told Side kick Sue of my intention. The immediate question was " why are you doing that - nobody uses the blogs anymore". Of course Homee took this as a sign that this was the thing to do!
After all grasshopper ( AKA THOMAS) has gone for far to long without the input from Homee Dad. He has done very well and Homee Dad is overjoyed with his advancememnts but alas what could he have done with input - the sky as they say is the limit. HD and SKS spent some time ago visiting Grasshopper and the fam. We were thrilled to see there new living quarters and spent some special time with Jr. Grasshopper ( Megan also ).
HD and SKS also went out to the flatlands and visited Kaden, Ireland and their parents, again a wonderful time. There was one instance where Matt attempting to make it look like HD threw SKS off a park toy but it was all done with mirrors (never happened).
I sit here today looking at the clouds,listening to the wind and the sound of the timer going off as SKS is making Halloween Cup Cakes. The sounds of Fall, people raking their yards, boats being bundled for the winter and of course the cheers as the Leafs make another run for the holy grail (this is the year 1967 all over again).
Now I am quite aware that there is a sect in our society who may not appreciate nor believe what Homee brings to the table. To those I would ask " If it were not for toe jam why would we ever have a reason to lick our toes". I know simple question but so profound, this is HD's job - to ask the questions that need to be asked.
Well must sign off for now
Stay safe - be real and when need be fake it.