Wednesday, February 15, 2006

High Speed Let Down

Well folks Homee Dad ( with a little pushing from Sue ) decided to take the plunge into the world of high speed internet. Yes that's it I will open my pockets for all and join the rest. So we identify the one that is feasible, KMTS who supply the local internet service. The sales pitch left Hommee Dad drooling - 60 times faster than dial up, 5 GB downloads per month and 3 GB uploads per month - we are guaranteed this is far more than we could use.

60 times faster - WOW can you imagine just as I direct my nimble 45 ( almost 46 ) year old fingers towards the keys , the internet gremlin knows just were I want to go and starts running. As I hit the key the destination explodes infront of me on my screen. Does life get any better?

If that isn't enough 5GB downloads and 3 GB uploads - just think every month I will at no extra cost receive 5 Great Big downloads and 3 Great Big uploads. Not quite sure what constitutes Great Big but it sure sounds impressive.

Homees world is getting faster - my blogging will definitely reap the rewards of this new age. So I go to work with in the morning with the anticipation of super blogging when I return home. The hours just crawl, the day cannot go fast enough ( perhaps I need high speed life - or maybe just a life would do ). But all is good, I have the Leafs, Wombats, no toe jam ( cleaned it out yesterday), 4 great kids, a wonderful piece of paradise on Lock Bay, and last but certainly not the least - did I mention the leafs - REBOOT !!!!! --- I meant to say an adorable , supporting, loving, all encompassing wife !!!!! That's right - it was Sue who pushed for the high speed internet!

My day was done , I rush from work to make the journey home, - just 9.6 miles that's all it is , nothing will get in my way. Well except for the Sgt. that just needed to talk to me before I left, The frozen car that needed to thaw before I drove away, and lets not forgot the lady infront of me that chose this minute to leave her duties in the kitchen so that she could be in front of me on the highway, just to screw everything up! ( wasn't her man going hungry at the homestead? )

Well I make it home and remember to bring the car to a full stop before exiting ( that's another story ), rush into the house and head straight to the computer. Blog topics and running through my mind faster than peanut butter melts off hot toast. Just as I push the button to turn on the computer Sue ( you know - the love of my life ) she breaks my frenzy with " Oh the internet people came - they said we cant get it because they cannot get a signal from our house - we are on the fringe " I hear the annoying dialing sound the computer makes as it connects to the internet just as she finishes with the news, can this be - no high speed - no life - no blogging at the speed of light - no great big downloads are great big uploads?

I spend the evening sulking, staring at my blog wondering if the man knew just who he was holding back - after all I AM HOMEE DAD - does he know that - does he care?

So lets evaluate my position. The Leafs they are still there, Wombats will live forever - if only in my mind, toe jam will return offering some entertainment - The 4 wonderful kids, I can still count on communications with them as they use their high spe......... inter.... ( I can't bare to say it - you know what I mean). Lock Bay is still paradise, and Sue she accepts me with or without High Speed - what else could a man ask for.

signing off slower than most
Homee Dad

Friday, February 03, 2006

What of the Wombat !

I bow to the requests of my followers and choose today to comment on the life of the little known and muchly under appreciated Hairy Nosed Wombat. Why today you ask - well Homee could be silenced no longer. I sat yesterday listening as the world stood still waiting for the ground hog to emerge from his hole as he seems to each year. This has become a ritual that has captured the minds and eyes of entire countries. Well it seems that one day after what is commonly known as Ground Hog Day and rightly so coinciding with the day of the Bean Throwing Festival in Japan that I speak up.

Details of the HNW are not well known but this is by design rather than ignorance, for only the creator himself and Homee knew the significance this creature would have in history. Have you ever wondered why during times gone by one would sacrifice ram, goats, sheep and cattle ( except in India ) - often these sacrifices were offerings to the one on high. Yet never did they dare to consider that of the HNW for sacrifice to the Gods.

What of the Ark - Why was it that God decided to flood the earth with heavy rain for 40 days and 40 nights, why not just cause a massive flood and get it over with. Many may believe that it was done this way in order to gather the creatures 2 by 2 as this no doubt may have taken some time. Consider this - one well known fact of the HNW is that they usually give birth during wet, rainy season. In fact their success of survival of the off sping ( AKA Joey's) usually depends on times of adequate rainfall. Since the gestation period of the average HNW is 20 - 22 days, they needed some time to allow for the wombats that were with joey. You may ask Why not just allow for the birth on the ark? Well even today it appears success of offspring surviving when born in captivity is very rare. The only recordings of this successfully occurring were Regents Park Zoo (London 1856, and again 1914, 1931). So you see time was needed as the rainy season has upon them.

Just a note there are again two little know facts of the HNW that Homee Dad will pass on. It is believed by many scholars that indeed the HNW was the last of Gods creations to enter the Ark prior to the doors closing. For God made it clear to Noah that he was not to close up shop until they attended. Did you ever wonder why the Unicorn never made it? Well many believe the fable which was turned into song that they were having so much fun frolicking in the rain that they just did not show up. Although a nice story - not factual. This again was the hand of the creator at work. As he did with the tower of Babel ( actually this was the first time he used this trick - the tower although recorded in the great book followed ) he confused the unicorns sense of direction so they wondered aimlessly seeking the Ark but never finding. Why you ask - well it was well know that the HNW was a favored meal of the Unicorn, the big guy needed to secure the existence of the HNW for only he ( and Homee) knew of their importance in history.

The second little known fact is that the HNW was so cherished by Noah that they were permitted to sleep on the straw with him, thus being the first domesticated creature opening the door for many who share the beds with family members.

I hope to have enlitened my followers with this little bit of info on the HNW, for those that have known me are well aware that I have for some time considered this creature a soal mate.

All knowing

Homee Dad