Monday, October 23, 2006

Who needs Professionals?

what's the big deal - we live in a do it yourself world right? Besides it leaves memories, bruises, and scars. No M,T,S,and Hil I did not drop another fridge on Sues foot ( besides that wasn't my fault). I speak of the latest renovating escapades of Homee Dad & his handy sidekick Sue. This faze - the bathroom, yeh that's right $$$$$$$. Anyway we had decided after ripping out walls to increase the size of the bathroom we will get a nice shower stall and of course the corner Jacuzzi.

Prepping the room was no real problem other than repairing drywall, re-wiring for said Jacuzzi, staightening walls and leveling floors - oh and rerouting the heating because the existing heat vent is currently under the show piece (yeh the damb Jacuzzi).

When you buy these new shower stalls they appear to be quite simple - that's what they say at Home Depot of course. The installing process is no real problem of course - its the No chalking, drain seal that "fits into place with no leaking". I must have purchased the only one who's leak free seal didn't know its job. After a number of attempts - and prompts from my trusted sidekick - I decided to reread the instructions that I insisted I had already read. Page three - 5th diagram, under the word IMPORTANT ( big bold print) instructs us do it yourselfers to ensure the drain pipe is no more than 1/4 " above the bottom of the base or leakage may occur ( NO SHIT !!!! ) What the hell was that doing on page 3 - Why can't they start these instructions on the front page with something like HEY STUPID - READ ME OR SUFFER !!!!!!!

I fail to see how we can put a man on the moon - yet are unable to produce simple do it yourself instructions

Well the shower works fine now so onto the 6' corner, 9 jet (including three back jets), 20" deep, variable speed pump, inline heater Jacuzzi. Sounds impressive, like I know what I'm doing - remember I am Homee Dad!

First stage building the frame $80.00,
reroute plumbing, electrical, build sub floor so no weight rests on the frame $ 75.32,
ceramic tile, grout, silicone chalking $ 200.40,
taps and additional hardware $185.00
Rum for friends assisting with practice fits $ 55.00
First soaking - PRICELESS

Before actually trying this at home I strongly suggest you pay attention to three details not printed in the instruction booklet?

1) when observing all the fancy connections with bright orange stickers " pressure fitted at factory - HAND TIGHTEN ONLY" - do not assume this means that they have already hand tightened the connections!

2) when putting in the drain and using a bead of chalking ( because it said so in the instructions), realize that there is a difference between waterproof silicone and silicone that forms a water tight seal!

3) and last but certainly not the least ( sue has pictures ). Even thorugh the sales staff suggest bubble bath stuff will not hurt anything - they forget to say " USE VERY VERY LITTLE !!!!!!
M,T,S, & Hil - remember the dishwasher ?????

Anyway we are moving on and today will complete the cork flooring, then add accessories.

Life is good

Stay tune
Homee Dad

Saturday, October 14, 2006

If pumpkins had teeth

With the fall fast approaching we all look forward to the Fall classic - thats right the one and only Charlie Browns original "THE GREAT PUMPKIN". As Charlie seeks out to find the great pumpkin we can only be honest with ourself. Thats right - you know the question each of us asks at this time of year. Would we really stick our hands into the great cavity atop the pumkin, just to feel that unforgetable sensation. ( Dont worry Steph and Matty - you soon will know the feeling - just the odour may be different ). Would we really be that brave if Pumkins had Teeth!!!

Its funny I woke up this morning, as I waundered down the hall to turn up the furnace (no need to heat the house when your sleeping - what if you don't wake up - what a waist) Alas I stray from the subject at hand. As I walk down the hall I say to myself "SELF" what if pumkin had teeth? I would have said this to Sue but she already worries about me.

Surprisingly enough I found that self had an answer..... Pumkin Pie with chunks?
Dentists would be giving out free pumkins each fall. But since Pumkins don't have teeth we are forced to receive a new tooth brush, and string that we drag though the spaces between our teeth.

I guess life is full of trade offs

stay real

Homee Dad