catching up
Well as most are aware Homee Dad went to visit the crew in Bordon. Had a really great visit as I got to bond with Officer Thomas before he left on his adventure. As well got to see Steph, Matt, Bean and the Newf. ( not bad bean, he kind of reminds me of me - well except for the fact that he's younger, smarter, talks funny and yeah isn't as funny as Homee Dad). HD also used the opportunity to visit his mom and dad in their new home in Beaverton. It appears I need to put a freeze on their bank account as they have decided to start spending my inheritance???
But of course the highlight was Kaden, being able to bond with him was great, Homee Dad has all kinds of wisdom to transfer to Kaden. He has no idea what awaits him.
While down there I Thomas left me have it because of my lack of pics on my blog, well after he showed me how to reduce the picture sizes I decided that even I - Homee Dad could do this. I will not add any from the visit because Stepher took care of that but he did want to see some of the adventure on the SEA. So I will attempt to attach a couple of my favorite pics.
Well I thought the pics would show up down here where they belong but apparently that didn't work as expected. Anyway there you are guys - I am now entering the geek mode.
Sidekick Sue picked me up one of those geek things on a string, it holds 512 mini somethings which is apparently not that bad.
Oh. forgot to mention, Homee Dad is today on his way back to Orillia, it appears I was identified to attend a couple weeks training in the sunny south. Yeh so now I get to visit friends and family again. Ain't they just the luckiest people.
Well signing off for now, need to get ready to leave
Stay real
Homee Dad