Happy Family Day!
Family Day ! - it gives Homee a warm fuzzy all over, but alas there are those who would do their best to ensure this warm fuzzy is cold and matted.
Yesterday I was shocked to hear the news - you must have heard it. History buffs and professors are in panic wondering where it is that they went wrong. It appears that Math ( adding, subtracting and such ) was not invented by the Aztecs, or Babylonians, or Egyptians - but it was invented by the MONKEY! That's right everyone needs to turn on Planet of the Apes and be scared. All these images of Egyptians in loin cloths moving tons of rock and counting on small beads attached to string are WRONG. In fact they need be replaced by monkeys in trees counting bananas. Why oh why was this released just days before Family Day? Is their a plot to belittle the Family unit, perhaps the Walton's were actually based on a butch of apes in trees. (really I believe the Walton's do not exist - although Santa does)
Now I must admit to the shock and awe of our parents and grand parents, the definition of Family and or family unit has taken another course over the years. What with divorce, unwed parents, second, third and forth marriages, non traditional marriages, marriage to dolls, and lets not forget the highly publicised adoptions. You know the one where hugely famous performers and actors followed by camera crews jet off to obscure places in the world to whisk children from their homes and save them by bringing them to civilization so that they to can be happy. I could go on but I am sure Homee has got the point across.
Although skewed from historic definitions I guess Family is what ever you, they or I consider it to be. A family unit would include those whom you love and know you can count on or that they can count on you. (OK when I say count I mean in the traditional way, not a group of monkeys adding or subtracting). It appears the blood line is not even necessary to be family, in fact blood line is often a down fall as its well known that we sometimes do things to our "family" that we would never consider doing to a friend. But they are family right - they will forgive, you can count on that! (still no monkeys)
Family is what you consider it to be, generally its those people who you would do anything for, or never question why when called upon. If there is someone who you would cut your tongue and suck on a lemon for I would think this is one whom you consider FAMILY.
So Happy Family Day where ever you are.
Homee Dad
PS. If I have offended anyone who resembles, thinks they resemble, acts like, or climbs like a monkey - especially if they are able to count..............................................................to bad, get your own planet this is ours!